03/13/12 18:30
Manpower Q2 2012 survey: One in five employers intends to hire new personnel

On a quarterly basis, the situation improved slightly - by 4%, but on an annual basis there is a 7% decline. Almost one in five employers out of the total of 751 respondents intends to hire new staff in Q2 2012.
“The good news is that for the sixth consecutive quarter Bulgarian employers continue to report plans for increasing their workforce in the coming months. The bad news is that due to the higher criteria and requirements of companies in the selection process, it is extremely difficult to find a suitable candidate and many advertised positions remain vacant due to the disparity in the skills demanded by employers and those offered by applicants,” said Nadya Vassileva, Managing Director of Manpower for Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia. Of course, there are employers who plan to reduce their staff in the coming months, but their share remained stable at 10% - both for the next and the previous quarter and for last year. “This could mean that the business climate has stabilised and employers have started to feel a bit more confident in the future,” added Vassileva.
Managers from all the five regions report positive intentions for hiring new staff next quarter. Hiring expectations of employers for Q2 2012 are the highest in Burgas, Varna and Sofia.
According to Manpower, heads of companies in nine out of 10 sectors report positive intentions for seeking new employees. The most optimistic sectors in this respect are finance, insurance, real estate, business services, restaurant and hotel businesses. On the other hand, employers in the mining sector shared the most pessimistic expectations.
“Our clients tell us that there is great demand for IT professionals and call centre operators speaking two European languages, primarily on the part of multinational companies operating in Europe. However, the so-called brain drain is still a big problem, although many Bulgarians returned home due to the global economic downturn.
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Публикувана на 03/13/12 18:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/198209_Manpower+Q2+2012+survey%3A+One+in+five+employers+intends+to+hire+new+personnel+
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