01/30/12 17:50
Bulgarian municipalities open new geothermal power plants, spas centres and greenhouses

The mineral springs became an excellent opportunity for the municipalities to receive additional revenues generated as a result of their operation, stated for Klassa daily the Mayor of the city of Blagoevgrad, Atanas Kambitov. He expects that more than BGN 50,000 will be infused into the Municipality's Treasury as a result of the management and operation of the mineral water deposits. According to him, the mineral springs near Blagoevgrad may be used not only for sports activities and rehabilitation centers but for the production of greenhouse vegetables as well.
The Municipal Council has already adopted the respective decision of local authorities for the development of the mineral springs and mailed it to the Ministry of Environment and Water, explained the Mayor of the town of Pomorie, Ivan Alexiev. Our town has traditions in this respect, but we intend to develop them further. Currently, we are examining the content of mineral water and are drawing up a strategy providing for enhanced development of spa tourism. Our idea is to turn Pomorie into a year-round tourist center, which will improve the usability of the current facilities, added Alexiev.
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Публикувана на 01/30/12 17:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/193952_Bulgarian+municipalities+open+new+geothermal+power+plants%2C+spas+centres+and+greenhouses
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