08/15/11 18:23
Ministry of Interior not to receive private donations anymore

The Interior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov prohibited private donations to the Ministry of Interior made by physical individuals and private companies. An order on that was issued on Monday, August 15, the first working day after the Minister's summer vacation. It will enter into force on September 1st. Pursuant to that document as of October 1 this year, the Public Register, containing information on sponsorship contracts concluded after January 1, 2011, will start functioning.
The MI will receive only donations from municipalities, government bodies, state enterprises or companies with 100% state participation as well as from international organisations, EU and EU institutions, indicated the order of Interior Minister.
The order also stipulates that contracts for donations would contain a clause, allowing the publishing of some information in the MI Register in compliance with the requirements of the Privacy Act and the Protection of Classified Information. At the beginning of last week, the Deputy Interior Minister, Dimitar Georgiev expressed doubt that some sponsors may refuse their names to be posted. The Register will also disclose the contract date and number, the parties thereto, the contract subject matter, the value of the donation and its recipient.
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Публикувана на 08/15/11 18:23 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177947_Ministry+of+Interior+not+to+receive+private+donations+anymore
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