06/07/11 19:40
Tsvetanov and Kostov at odds over the upcoming vote of no confidence

"Ivan Kostov stands fully behind the forthcoming vote of no confidence. He is a double-faced politician. I entered the politics with one face, will remain there with one face and will leave it with one face," retorted Interior Minister Tsvetanov after a meeting at the Ministry of Interior (MI). His statement was prompted by the earlier allegations of the Co-chair of the Blue Coalition. In an interview for the morning show of bTV, Kostov openly stated that he would insist his party to support a motion of censure against the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government if it related to its failure to perform well in the field of internal security and public order. Today, BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party BSP) and MRF (Movement for Rights and Freedoms) will discuss their positions in Parliament on the aspects of the future vote of no confidence to the GERB Cabinet. They should decide on whether it will concern its social or its overall policy.
"We withdraw our confidence from one Minister and Deputy PM. Moreover, he is also Head of GERB headquarters for the upcoming elections and we are sure that he will take advantage of his position," retorted Kostov sharply without naming even once the Interior Minister. The DSB leader did not spare his words and called Tsvetanov a complete "failure". "He ignited a court war. Bulgaria has not marked any success with respect to its Schengen area accession. No cases filed against organized crime bosses have been won and none of them was even charged. This man is the weakest and most dangerous person in the current government," specified Kostov. He explained that should the entire government receive a censure motion, GERB would form a new Cabinet, but without the recent Deputy PM, because "the man who discredited them should not be involved''. However, the DSB leader stated that he would not support the vote of no confidence for the overall policy of the government because there were acting Ministers who performed well.
The answer of Interior Minister Tsvetanov Tsvetanov came nearly four hours after the meeting at the MI. The Deputy PM said that after the "Octopus" raid Kosotv had came in person to express his support to the Ministry. "He told me then : If you have any problem with PM Borissov, be sure that you will receive our support." Two days later, the PM told me: "Do you know what is your friend doing at the moment – he demands your resignation," revealed Tsvetanov.
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Публикувана на 06/07/11 19:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171204_Tsvetanov+and+Kostov+at+odds+over+the+upcoming+vote+of+no+confidence
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