03/30/11 16:03
Silistra-Calarasi Ferry Concessionaire Wants Contract Cancelled
terminal of the ferry linking this town with Calarasi in
Romania, has asked the Transport, IT and Communications Ministry
to terminate its concession agreement claiming it is the fault
of the State.
This was announced late on Tuesday by the regional
administration after a Bulgarian-Romanian meeting on the future
of the ferry which has been inoperative for a year now.
The Bulgarian Transport Minister is expected to make a decision.
Miroslav Petrov, head of the state-run Port Infrastructure
company in Rousse, said his company should take over from the
concessionaire until a new operator is selected.
Until a new Bulgarian operator is awarded a concession, the
Romanian concessionaire, Global Line, has been offered to
provide the service on the Bulgarian side as well.
The Romanian side has replied that it will wait for the decision
of the Bulgarian Transport Ministry.
Since the ferry service was suspended on December 1, 2009, cars
have used another platform in Romanian territory.
The formal reason for the suspension of the service is that the
concessionaires have not signed a contract.
It is feared that the EU may impose penalties on both countries.
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Публикувана на 03/30/11 16:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163908_Silistra-Calarasi+Ferry+Concessionaire+Wants+Contract+Cancelled
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