05/11/11 15:12
114 Entries at International Short Film Festival in Balchik

the 9th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival which
will be held in the Bulgarian seaside town of Balchik between
June 18 and 25, the organizers said. The entries include 65
fiction films, 10 animation movies, 29 documentaries, and 10
experimental projects.
Among them is the Academy Award-nominated Indian-US drama
"Kavi." It is about a boy in India who wants to play cricket and
go to school, but instead he is forced to work in a brick kiln
as a modern-day slave. Unsatisfied with his fate, Kavi must
either accept what he has always been told, or fight for a
different life even if he is unsure of the ultimate outcome.
Other intriguing titles are the musical "Song to the Siren"
(Cyprus), the adventure movie "The One Who Made It Rain"
(Iceland, Mongolia), the romance drama "When Night Fa11s"
(Singapore), and the drama "Minute 200" (Colombia).
The makers of the films will present their productions in
Balchik. This year's international jury is all female,
comprising Linda Olszewski (selection committee member for the
Academy Awards), Sandi Sissel (cinematographer, with numerous
Academy Award and Emmy winning documentary credits), and
Malgorzata Potocka (an emblematic Polish actress).
Ninety-three of the 114 films will be screened for the first
time in Bulgaria. The productions were made in 39 countries. The
largest number of them, 29, are Bulgarian; there are also nine
German, eight French and eight British films. The entries were
selected from among 3,758 proposals from 137 countries,
including Eritrea, Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon,
Mongolia, Tunisia, Lebanon, Venezuela, Uruguay, Ghana, and
Прочети цялата новина
Публикувана на 05/11/11 15:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/168192_114+Entries+at+International+Short+Film+Festival+in+Balchik
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