04/20/11 18:38
Georgi Parvanov: We, the politicians from the transition period, should withdraw

“The fault with this statement is that it is very difficult to formulate who the politicians of the transition period are. I am not sure that the term “politician of the transition period” is important. Rather, we should divide politicians into respectable people and rogues,” Anton Kutev, Media Policy Secretary of BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party), told Klassa. According to him, the people responsible for the problems during these 20 years must withdraw from politics.
“When the Constitution gives you the right to only two mandates and you can no longer be a candidate for president, it is impudence to give advice to people who have nothing to do with you. All this is because Parvanov cannot run for president and has involved other people with himself,” Veselin Metodiev, Deputy Chairman of DSB (Democrats for Strong Bulgaria) told Klassa.
“Who will replace these politicians? I believe these won’t be the students from the transition period?,” MRF (Movement for Rights and Freedoms) Vice Chairman Aliosman Imamov commented for Klassa. He was firm that there are no people within the political class who work better than the incumbent party leaders.
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Публикувана на 04/20/11 18:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166270_Georgi+Parvanov%3A+We%2C+the+politicians+from+the+transition+period%2C+should+withdraw
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