05/09/11 15:22
Relocating companies and outsorcing activities - the main factors on the market for office spaces

The Bulgarian market for office spaces is mainly driven by companies that are relocating into new offices and by outsourcing activities, shows a new survey of the international commercial real estate consulting company Colliers International.
The improved economic indicators will gradually lead to an expansion of some companies into new offices. Although demand remains relatively modest, there is an upward trend on the market for business real estates, said Anton Slavchev, Manager Offices and Business Parks in Colliers. The bulk of the demand is mainly due to the fact that businesses benefit from the attractive rents of high-quality offices at convenient locations.
The Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Services Companies continue to be the main factor driving the market demand for office spaces, added also Slavchev. As an example, Colliers points out Ubisoft Entertainment, which is the leading producer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment products worldwide. It has leased a new office of an area of 1,500 sq m in the Printing and Publishing Office Centre.
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Публикувана на 05/09/11 15:22 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/167899_Relocating+companies+and+outsorcing+activities+-+the+main+factors+on+the+market+for+office+spaces
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