09/26/11 19:45
Parvanov and Borissov come up with a common position on the preservation of ethnic peace

Yesterday, the President Georgi Parvanov and Prime Minister Boyko Borissov demonstrated a common position on the preservation of ethnic peace after visiting the city of Plovdiv and the village of Katunitsa. Before the two top politicians, the inhabitants of Katunitsa demanded again that the notorious Roma boss Kiril Rashkov be exiled from the village.
At 10.30 am, the Head of State and the PM met in the District Police Directorate in Plovdiv with the professional management of the Ministry of Interior. In a joint statement delivered after the conversation, both explicitly announced the readiness of institutions to deal with the tension.
"We wanted to give a clear sign that institutions share the common standpoint on the prevention of the escalating ethnic and religious tension," announced Georgi Parvanov, adding that the worst thing was for "the pre-election campaign to be based on ethnic controversy." "If we allow that, nothing good can be expected," emphasised he. The President, who cancelled his scheduled visit to Karnobat, added that the Bulgarian state is capable of protecting the interests of its citizens. Besides, cases of self-initiated fighting should not be allowed.
"I absolutely support the President's words," indicated Boyko Borissov. He thanked the Head of State for attending the meeting with the police and the District Prosecutor of Plovdiv. The Prime Minister also announced that several conversations had been held with the Prosecutor and the NRA (National Revenue Agency). Besides, 10 days ago, the Prosecutor's Office and the Tax Agency launched large-scale audit inspections of about 20 people, including Kiril Rashkov.
According to the Head of State, police officers performed well in Katunitsa village. "As regards the first reaction, I share the assessment of the Prime Minister. The police acted clumsily instead of reacting much more adequately," added he.
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Публикувана на 09/26/11 19:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181818_Parvanov+and+Borissov+come+up+with+a+common+position+on+the+preservation+of+ethnic+peace
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