05/26/11 15:04
Labour Minister Expects Unemployment to Fall below Nine Per Cent in May

nine per cent by the end of May for the first time over the past
few months, Labour and Social Policy Minister Totyu Mladenov
told reporters Thursday. On Wednesday the National Statistical
Office (NSI) released data showing that the unemployment rate in
the first quarter of the year was 12 per cent.
Citing data of the Employment Agency, Mladenov said that
unemployment in January stood at 9.78 per cent, and fell to 9.06
per cent as at May 25. On May 26 it was 9.02 per cent, or
334,262 people.
Mladenov said that unemployment is monitored by the Employment
Agency, using three conditions laid down by law to determine who
is unemployed, namely: people without work who actively seek a
job and who are ready to start work within two weeks. According
to Mladenov, NSI does not have the tools to measure unemployment
and only the Employment Agency uses such instruments.
Meanwhile, it emerged that Mladenov is leaving Thursday on a
working visit to Russia.
On May 27 Mladenov is scheduled to confer with Russian Health
and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova and with the
First Deputy Chairman of the Labour and Social Policy Committee
in the Russian State Duma, Ildar Gabdrahmanov.
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Публикувана на 05/26/11 15:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/169808_Labour+Minister+Expects+Unemployment+to+Fall+below+Nine+Per+Cent+in+May
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