09/01/11 20:01
The Sofia underground from Mladost 3 to Tsarigradsko Shosse blvd opens in May 2012
A section of the Sofia Metropolitan from the Mladost 3 residential district to Tsarigradsko Shosse boulevard will open in May 2012, Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova announced while inspecting the construction works of the underground. Construction in Mladost is already completed and the section is part of the route that will connect the region with the neighbouring residential district of Drouzhba and the airport.“Concurrently with the new line of the underground, a large buffer parking lot for 1,300 cars will be opened. In less than two weeks, the repairs along Tsarigradsko Shosse near Interexpocentre will be finalised and the traffic will be resumed on September 12,” said Fandakova.
The Sofia Mayor added that on the same date traffic would resume along Lomsko Shosse, another key boulevard in the capital city. In September again, Cherni Vrah boulevard near the Hemus Hotel is expected to open as well.
In March or April 2012, construction of the Sofia Metropolitan from Tsarigradsko Shosse to the airport will begin. The 5-km long section will have four metro stations.
Stoyan Bratoev, Director of the Sofia Metropolitan, added that five options for the route of the third metrodiametre of the underground were being discussed.
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Публикувана на 09/01/11 20:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179613_The+Sofia+underground+from+Mladost+3+to+Tsarigradsko+Shosse+blvd+opens+in+May+2012
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