05/31/11 20:40
A fine of BGN 10,000 to be imposed on companies whose products contain excessive quantity of water

A fine of BGN 10,000 will be imposed on companies whose products contain excessive quantity of water. The inspection conducted by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency and the Commission for Consumer Protection detected that 8 out of 14 samples of chicken meat showed a proven increased water content of 27 - 51%, announced yesterday the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Miroslav Naydenov who participated in the conference on the operation of food banks in Bulgaria. He said that there were cases in which the meat had been injected with saline solutions.
EU food safety standards permit the addition of water for product storage but it must be displayed on product labels. Manufacturers will now be obliged to display the water content on labels.
Due to the infection with the Escherichia coli bacteria which caused the deaths of 16 people in Germany, Naydenov explained that Bulgaria had not imported any cucumbers from Spain and contaminated vegetables had not been discovered.
The source of the infection has not been detected yet, stated Hamburg Senator for Health, Cornelia Prüfer-Storks. Next week, an extraordinary meeting of the EU Council of Agriculture Ministers will be held for drafting measures for tackling the bacteria infection. Throughout most of Europe, the sale of fruits and vegetables imported from Spain has been suspended.
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Публикувана на 05/31/11 20:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/170420_A+fine+of+BGN+10%2C000+to+be+imposed+on+companies+whose+products+contain+excessive+quantity+of+water
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