06/09/11 19:05
HSBC to be ready with its assessment for Belene NPP in August

HSBC’s assessment will refer to a period of 25-30 years and will forecast the market opportunities and potential for the use of energy in the country and for its export in the region. In addition, the bank is preparing a financial and technical evaluation of the project. Karolev declined to comment on more specific parameters associated with the cost of the project or the cost of the electricity to be generated by the Belene NPP.
“Bulgaria signed a contract only for the equipment but not for the financing of the plant, reminded Karolev. According to him, the Belene NPP should not be built with a Government guarantee. “We can seek credit from commercial banks or accept financing from Russia,” he reminded.
“Renewable sources cannot ensure Bulgaria’s energy stability, only nuclear power can be the basis for this,” said Bogomil Manchev, Chairman of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum and Executive Director of GCR, a sub-contractor of the Belene NPP project - Parsons. Manchev reminded that while nuclear power engineering is not supported by governments and the electricity produced from it is sold on a market principle, green energy is supported at several levels by preferential prices, contracts for long-term purchase of electricity and emissions trading. According to Manchev, the price of electricity from the Belene NPP will be €35-38/MW.
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Публикувана на 06/09/11 19:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171495_HSBC+to+be+ready+with+its+assessment+for+Belene+NPP+in+August
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