08/09/11 19:06
Nabucco's environmental assessment to be ready by July 2012

“The Environmental Impact Assessment of the pipeline should be ready by July next year,” announced officials from the Nabucco Gas Pipeline International project company, yesterday. They explained that this was the deadline for completion of the evaluation activities. The Italian D'Appolonia company was selected as a consultant on the project last month. It is in charge of harmonizing the standards and requirements of the financial institutions from different countries and preparing all the necessary documentation, write reporters from the Azerbaijani Trend paper.
Once the evaluation of the consultant is approved, the construction of Nabucco can be launched. The start of the construction is planned for 2013. An archaeological research was already completed along the pipeline in Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian Energy Holding is a shareholder in the Nabucco pipeline on the part of our country. The Turkish Botas, Romanian Transgas, Hungarian MOL, Austrian OMV and German RWE are the other participants in the project. The Nabucco project is expected to deliver the first quantities of natural gas to the European markets in 2017. Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are planned to be the main suppliers, bypassing Russia. Some 31 bn cubic meters of gas per year will be transported through the future pipeline.
At the end of last week, experts from the US PFC Energy consulting company stated that only the gas connections between Turkey, Greece and Italy (project ITGI) would be built on the Balkans by 2020. “We can think about pipelines of the rank of Nabucco at a later stage”.
The experts from the Nabucco project company do not exclude the possibility for natural gas to be delivered for the pipeline from Russia as well. Kazakhstan, Iraq and Egypt are other potential suppliers, experts explained.
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Публикувана на 08/09/11 19:06 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177485_Nabucco%27s+environmental+assessment+to+be+ready+by+July+2012
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