10/06/11 18:55
Marshlands on Lot 4 of Trakia highway to be reinforced for BGN 13 mln

“The European Commission is not planning to suspend any payments for infrastructure projects in Bulgaria, but the money allocated under Operational Programme Transport may not be sufficient to cover all projects, so the funding for some of these may be rescheduled after 2014,” said Ton Van Lierop, European Commission (EC) Spokesman for Regional Policy. He explained that it is not expected for any payments to be denied or suspended, but there may be too many projects submitted and the funds allocated under the budget framework until the end of 2013 might not to be enough for their financing.
The Spokesman added that the tunnel at the Kresna gorge on the Struma and Trakia highways could be one of the affected projects.
“There are no problems with the funding of the Trakia highway and such problems cannot occur,” said Tomislav Donchev, Minister of EU Funds Management cited by BNR. He explained that this is a project with an application form approved by the EC. “The statement of the EC that they cannot comment yet on the Struma highway project since the application form has not been submitted to is correct. But the application form is being drafted now,” Donchev said. “Lot 3 of the highway passes through the Kresna gorge, its implementation is quite complicated and it will cost about €800 mln, so it is likely to be financed after 2014,” he said.
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Публикувана на 10/06/11 18:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182906_Marshlands+on+Lot+4+of++Trakia+highway+to+be+reinforced++for+BGN+13+mln++
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