06/15/11 19:36
MPs to debate on the no-confidence vote
“It is cynical to connect the already approved schedule for parliamentary sessions with this tragic accident,” said the National Assembly Chairperson, Tsetska Tsacheva in the plenary hall. She explained that the action to be taken with regard to the day of national mourning are stipulated in the Regulations of the Unified State Protocol. According to her, entertainment events or such that do not correspond to the grief of the victims’ relatives are subject of cancellation. “Neither television nor radio broadcasting is banned on days of national mourning. Only entertainment programmes should be excluded,” said Tsacheva.
“Lyutvi Mestan, me, and representatives of all parliamentary groups met with the National Assembly Chairperson to discuss the idea for postponing the debate,” Angel Naydenov, Deputy Chairman of Coalition for Bulgaria, said in the parliamentary lobby. He explained that the day of national mourning implies sympathy for the grief of relatives of the victims, while such debates usually exacerbate political passions. According to left-wing MPs, Tsacheva has even proposed a withdrawal of the motion of no confidence altogether. “The Blue Coalition will not take part in the debate and will abstain from the no-confidence vote,” stated the coalition’s co-chairs Ivan Kostov and Martin Dimitrov.
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Публикувана на 06/15/11 19:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172145_MPs+to+debate+on+the+no-confidence+vote
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