07/17/11 19:53
MRF and left-wing parties to submit the vote of no-confidence today

"We, MRF's leaders, demand to be at the forefront of the no-confidence vote because of these reasons," explained Deputy Chairman of the movement, Lutvi Mestan, yesterday on BNR (Bulgarian National Radio). He pointed out that even during the formation of the Cabinet, DPS' leaders had emphasised the difference between the need for strong management at a time of crisis and commanding management. According to Mestan, "GERB and the Prime Minister chose the easier way, they chose to demonize the former Government."
“A change can only be triggered by the Government’s resignation and early elections,” said Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the left-wing parties Angel Naydenov.
As known, the MPs from the Blue Coalition and OLJ (Order, Law, and Justice) have already announced that they will support the no-confidence vote.
Several hours later, Volen Siderov, Leader of Ataka, announced that the party's MPs will not support the vote of no-confidence against the Cabinet. In this way, GERB and Ataka have a total of 133 out of the 240 MPs in Parliament.
It is still not known when the debate and the vote on the this year’s second censure motion against the Government will take place. Under the rules of the National Assembly, the debates should start no earlier than three days and no later than 7 days from the submission of the proposal, and the vote must take place no earlier than 24 hours after the debates.
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Публикувана на 07/17/11 19:53 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/175392_MRF+and+left-wing+parties+to+submit+the+vote+of+no-confidence+today
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