06/20/11 20:45
NAO: Vladimira Yaneva failed to declare an apartment mortgage loan worth € 50,000

Meanwhile, however, it became clear that NAO did not inspect the current property status of Yaneva, but only announced the inspection results from 2007 to 2010. In a letter addressed to Head of SJC Ethics Committee Tsoni Tsonev, NAO Chairman Valeri Dimitrov indicated that the Audit Office had inspected all assets declared by Yaneva over the years. The discrepancy in the undeclared mortgage apartment loan in 2008 was posted on the NAO website "in January 2009 in the list of persons for whom the inspection was completed with the conclusion of non-conformity". Afterwards, the list was sent to the Heads of NRA (National Revenue Agency) and SANS (State Agency for National Security). The NRA Chair, however, explained in a letter that after having inspected all the facts and circumstances, NAO had detected no disparity between the declared income and assets. This letter was also published on the NAO website.
The institution reminded that the National Audit Office had no legal right to carry out inspections on the income-tax forms filed before January 1, 2007, but a verification of the income-tax forms submitted in 2011 would be carried out in conformity with the law and the results would be announced at the end of the year.
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Публикувана на 06/20/11 20:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172643_NAO%3A+Vladimira+Yaneva+failed+to+declare+an+apartment+mortgage+loan+worth+%E2%82%AC+50%2C000
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