06/22/11 18:41
Lawsuit regarding Sofia Properties delayed by Vladimira Yaneva

The inspection of the lawsuit, which is being monitored by the European Commission as one of the so-called high -profile cases, began after it became known that Judge Yaneva, in her capacity as representative of her father Yane Yanev, purchased two real estates from the Sofia Properties company in 2002. At the time, the company was headed by Toshko Dobrev. Seven years later, he was prosecuted along with another 13 people and the documents concerning the lawsuit landed in the hands of Vladimira Yaneva who chaired the team that was on the case. The disclosure of these facts caused a huge scandal in the midst of which the Union of Judges, the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and DSB (Democrats for Strong Bulgaria) demanded SJC’s resignation. Meanwhile, Justice Minister Margarita Popova, initiated consultations for amendments to the Constitution where the judiciary are concerned. Last Friday, June 17, Yaneva firmly stated that she would not withdraw from the case, nor would she resign as SCC’s Head.
During its inspection, the Inspectorate with SJC confirmed four violations in the Sofia Properties case. Yaneva has now been officially charged with unprofitable transactions against the former head of the company Dobrev and another 13 defendants on July 22, 2010. Only five months later, on December 20, she ruled that the case should be terminated. “The case was with Judge Yaneva for almost 5 months - since the beginning - three months more than the legally set deadline,” concluded the Inspectorate.
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Публикувана на 06/22/11 18:41 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172885_Lawsuit+regarding+Sofia+Properties+delayed+by+Vladimira+Yaneva
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