08/02/12 17:36
SJC imposes disciplinary sanctions against Vladimira Yaneva

All the rest missed the deadlines stipulated by law. Proposals for disciplinary sanctions against four judges will be made to SJC. One of them is Vladimira Yaneva, Chairperson of SCC, who has 43 outstanding cases and has delayed writing down their motives by 2 to 8 months. Miroslava Todorova (Chairperson of the Bulgarian Judges Association) has 57 outstanding cases and has delayed writing down the motives for two court cases by 3 years and 5 months, and 3 years and 10 months, respectively, while the delay for the other cases is between 2 and 16 months. Ivan Koev has 31 outstanding cases and has delayed writing down their motives by 2 to 8 months, while Vladimir Astardzhiev has 31 outstanding cases and has delayed writing down their motives by 2 to 11 months. It will be suggested that four other judges – Mariyan Markov, Petya Krancheva, Georgi Ushev and Kostadinka Kostadinova – should be sanctioned with “reproach” and “reproof” by the Administrative Director of SCC due to delayed cases and motives. SJC decided that it will signal about judge Mimi Petrova because she has delayed a great number of cases again, although she was sanctioned due to breaches revealed during previous investigations.
The Inspectorate to SJC will propose encouragement for judges Emilia Koleva, Andrey Angelov and Atanas Atanasov from the Criminal Division of SCC since they have not delayed any case or motives.
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Публикувана на 08/02/12 17:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209673_SJC+imposes+disciplinary+sanctions+against+Vladimira+Yaneva
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