07/03/11 18:56
Market LINKS: Telegraph is the new leader among dailies

The considerable differences between the results of Media Consultant and those published in the Trud and 24 Hours dailies and the survey of Market LINKS can be explained by the different formulation of the questions asked to respondents. The average daily scope is calculated by the answers to the question: “Which daily did you read yesterday”, or the so-called Day After Recall method, which is asked every day during the period of the research. This is the most inaccurate method for measuring the scope of a print media. Measuring the readability of a print media through indicators of indistinct time span, such as: “Which newspaper do you read most often?” Or “Which newspaper do you prefer?” used recently to confirm the leadership of the two long-standing leaders on the pages of these publications usually give much higher results than the real ones.
Obviously, changes occur on the market of print media which are not to the liking of the long-time leaders.
- Dr. Stoyanova, how would you explain the absence of newspapers such as Pari, Klassa and Dnevnik from your data? Does this mean that they have no audience?
- The absence of dailies such as Pari, Klassa and Dnevnik from the list of those with results that are statistically significant is not indicative of their relevance and readability. These newspapers are analytical and with economic subject-matter, targeted at specific niche groups – the so-called decision-makers, including businessmen, representatives of the administration and the intellectual elite. These segments do not usually fall within the nationally representative samples, or at least - not in the measure of their presence among the population. Although these newspapers have a much smaller audience, they play an important role through their impact on influential readers – the people making decisions about the future of a vast mass of readers, i.e. the nation.
* The surveys of the audience of print media conducted by Market LINKS have not been commissioned by any media and are completely neutral, aimed at showing the real situation in the country.
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Публикувана на 07/03/11 18:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/173948_Market+LINKS%3A+Telegraph+is+the+new+leader+among+dailies
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