01/04/12 18:15
Bulgaria is the EU leader on growth of farmers' income

The same criminal circles, who detonated bombs when Bulgaria was visited by EU commissioners, had ordered the assault and the severe beating over the Executive Director of State Fund Agriculture, Rumen Porozhanov, reckoned Naydenov. According to him, one of the reasons for the attack could refer to the affected economic interests, as well as refused projects or unauthorised payments. "It comes down to tens of millions of levas. The grants transferred to Bulgaria under the Rural Development Programme and as direct payments are more than the funds allocated under the other operational programmes," stated Naydenov. Besides, he did not exclude the option of political element of the latest assault over the CEO of SFA, aimed at destabilising of the entire State Fund Agriculture. However, the Agricultural Miniser was adamant that the incident with Porozhanov would not prevent in any way the transfer payments to the farmers.
Besides, sanctions and restrictions should be applied to the traders offering foodstuffs with expired shelf lives or those threatening our health in some way because currently only financial penalties are imposed. In fact, following the 112, 000 inspections conducted by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency last year, overall 352 stores were closed down. Naydenov was explicit that every trading entity, which offers hazardous foods must be held criminally liable. Agriculture Minister expects that Law on Criminalisation of Substandard Foodstuffs should be adopted before the beginning of the summer tourist season.
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Публикувана на 01/04/12 18:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191471_Bulgaria+is+the+EU+leader+on+growth+of+farmers%27+income
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