07/07/11 18:32
The selection procedure for Heads of the Specialised Courts starts anew

Meanwhile, another problem became evident at the SJC’s meeting. It turned out that magistrates were withdrawing from the attestation commissions which have to evaluate and grade the candidates for the new structures. Two commissions have been set so far, each one consisting of seven members selected randomly among experienced magistrates. According to SJC member Georgi Shopov, the reason for the withdrawals were holidays planned for the time when the contests for the appointment of 50 judges, prosecutors and investigators will be held. Among those who withdrew from the commissions were former head of the Prosecutor’s Office of Appeals in Plovdiv Andreya Atanasov, dismissed from office because of his contacts with the notorious Krassimir Georgiev and Military Prosecutor Trendafil Traikov – a close friend of former prosecutor general Nikola Filchev.
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Публикувана на 07/07/11 18:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174459_The+selection+procedure+for+Heads+of+the+Specialised+Courts+starts+anew+
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