07/10/11 18:13
SCC Judge: It is useless to add new members to the Judicial Council

According to her, the decision of Sofia judges to boycott the delegates’ meeting scheduled for tomorrow is the only way to demonstrate their attitude to the personnel policy of SJC. Last week, judges from the two largest courts in Sofia – the Sofia City Court and the Sofia District Court, and their colleagues from Blagoevgrad, refused to hold a meeting in order to nominate the delegates in charge of electing the two new members of the SJC who are to replace Kapka Kostova and Galina Zaharova. Both resigned in disagreement with the choice of the Chairperson of the SCC. "In this situation, it is entirely useless to fill the quota with two new members," said Ivanova.
"In this situation, I can not imagine why a reputable, honest and principled person would decide to work at the SJC until the end of its term," she added. “The term in office of this council expires after about a year. “
Judge Ivanova explained that the Union of Judges strongly supports the Supreme Bar Council which addressed sharply Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov on Friday. The letter was addressed to President Georgi Parvanov, Chairperson of Parliament Tsetska Tsacheva and the leaders of parliamentary parties. According to Judge Ivanova, the appeal showed that the SJC has done nothing again in order to protect the independence of judges.
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Публикувана на 07/10/11 18:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174656_SCC+Judge%3A+It+is+useless+to+add+new+members+to+the+Judicial+Council+
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