07/13/11 19:36
Tsvetanov: Society's opinion is important for me

Earlier yesterday, Lutvy Mestan and Angel Naydenov announced, after consultations between the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) and the Coalition for Bulgaria, that the vote of no-confidence against the Government will be submitted on Friday.
“The left-wing parties and MRF are pursuing the same objective with the launching of the vote - the Government’s resignation and triggering early parliamentary elections,” said Lutvy Mestan.
Angel Naydenov added that BSP and MRF have agreed on the issue "failure of the internal security and public order policy, setting back our Schengen membership, implementation of police methods and violation of basic human rights."
“Today we will formulate the reasons more precisely and will start collecting signatures for the submission of the vote.”
The MPs from the Blue Coalition and the Order Law and Justice (OLJ) party stated that they will support the vote. The MPs form the Ataka party said that they want to become familiar with the reasons first and would then consider their position.
“The independent MPs will think about a common position on the vote after its submission,” said Dimitar Chukarski. The MP who, some time ago, left the Parliamentary Group of OLJ, said that “he, personally, would not back the vote because it was catering to the political interests of those who want it to be passed before the elections."
MP Vladimir Nikolov stated, on behalf of the majority in Parliament, that the vote was fabricated and the reasons were groundless. According to him, "probably some of the people behind the vote want to become ministers, but GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) will definitely not allow this."
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Публикувана на 07/13/11 19:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/175062_Tsvetanov%3A++Society%27s+opinion+is+important+for+me
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