02/23/12 19:34
Georgi Parvanov: The attacks against Marin and me can get to every president

“The establishment of such a commission is not only a personal attack against me and Vice President Angel Marin,” stated Parvanov. According to him, “with this move, PM Boyko Borissov and his faithful henchman Yane Yanev are creating a serious precedent because there will probably be other parliamentary majorities in the future that might be tempted to initiate a similar action against any president. The attack is against both of us but you should not doubt that, according to GERB’s logic, such pressure can be exerted against the incumbent President as well,” said Parvanov.
Stanishev's predecessor at the leadership position in the Bulgarian Socialist Party suggested that "it was planned for the commission to prepare its report on the eve of a party congress." The commission, which was set up on February 16, is expected to release its findings within three months, and the 42nd Congress of the Socialist Party is scheduled for May 19 and 20.
Georgi Parvanov pointed out that the relations between the presidential institution and GERB have been extremely intolerant since the 2009 elections, and the current attack on him and Marin was actually a continuation of the impeachment attempt by other means. The former President believes that Boyko Borissov is fuelling these attacks. According to Parvanov, the Prime Minister "cannot govern in a strong and successful manner, which is already clear, but it is important for him to prove constantly that he is stronger than his opponents."
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Публикувана на 02/23/12 19:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196421_Georgi+Parvanov%3A+The+attacks+against+Marin+and+me+can+get+to+every+president
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