03/07/12 19:00
Association of Municipal Hospitals in Bulgaria: The funding scheme of hospitals is unclear

He stressed that the Bulgarian morbidity rate had a seasonal periodicity, and respectively the volume of patients was much higher in the winter season, i.e. in the first 6 months of the year, rather than in the last six ones. It seems that the budget methodology based on the last financial quarter was adopted on purpose, suggested Dr. Dincho Genev. In his words, the standards for the hospitals are inappropriate and they cannot reflect the actual quality of work. In fact, the current methodology registers the quantitative, rather than the qualitative indicator. At present, hospitals must comply with very strict rules on the number of staff but it ultimately proves that the presonnel fails to meet the quality requirements. It is time to put an end to the incessant artificial draining of hospitals, appealed the specialist. The approved estimated budgets prompted an exchange of sharp retorts in the parliamentary Committee on Health Care, which heard yesterday the NHIF management and the directors of the regional health insurance funds.
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Публикувана на 03/07/12 19:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/197665_Association+of+Municipal+Hospitals+in+Bulgaria%3A+The+funding+scheme+of+hospitals+is+unclear
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