08/01/11 19:19
Administrative Court, Sofia City allows the logging of the restituted forests of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha near the Borovets resort

The Administrative Court - Sofia Region rescinded the ordinance banning the logging and transportation of timber from the 17 forest plots restituted to Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Maria Luisa Hrobok in the area of the Borovets resort, announced the Court yesterday. The case was instigated due to a claim lodged by the former prime minister and his sister against Decree No6 of October 2009 issued by the Head of the State Forestry Borovets.
The ban was caused by the inspection carried out at one of the plots. However, the ordinance makes it clear that the Head of the State Forestry Borovets banned the logging in all the 17 plots of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and his sister, although the inspection was conducted at only one of these. The rest of the plots were inspected within three days after the imposed prohibition.
Judges are also of the opinion that the certificate of offence drawn up by the Head of the State Forestry Borovets cited only "the general and unspecified" violations of the owners without clarifying what exactly these were. The Decree issued by the Administrative court - Sofia Region quotes a protocol of inspection certifying the clearings issued at the plots on August 21, 2009. However, it fails to specify the violations which prompted the logging ban issued a month and a half later. According to the State Forestry, the offences were detected during the inspection in early October the same year, prior to the imposition of the ban.
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Публикувана на 08/01/11 19:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176859_Administrative+Court%2C+Sofia+City+allows+the+logging+of+the+restituted+forests+of+Simeon+Saxe-Coburg-Gotha+near+the+Borovets+resort
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