06/13/12 18:45
The Sofia City Prosecutor Nikolay Kokinov: There is forthcoming blocking of the accounts of the publishers of "Trud" daily and "24 hours" daily

There is pending blocking of the accounts of Ognyan Donev and Lubomir Pavlov, who are co-owners in the "Media Group Bulgaria Holding" issuing the newspapers "Trud" daily and "24 hours" daily. This was announced on Wednesday by the Sofia City Prosecutor Nikolay Kokinov in an interview for BNR (Bulgarian National Radio). A day ago, Donev and Pavlov were charged for money laundering.
"For us, the official property status of the accused does not matter. All all legal stipulations will be observed The law requires in case of money laundering the seizure of all private assets to be imposed," explained on Wednesday Kokinov.
The Sofia City Prosecutor also commented on the allegations that the supervising prosecutor in the case against Pavlov and Donev has taken a bribe of BGN 1 mln in order to raise charges against them. "So far, Mr. Pavlov has not approached us that someone from the supervising prosecutors has lodged charges after taking a bribe. I have only listened in the media for raising some unserious accusations. At this point, it seems to me unjustified and futile to self-approach our institution. Everything else remains in the field of defamation," said Kokinov. He added that if the Prosecutor Momchil Georgiev considers that he is subject of libel defamation, he may seek his civil rights.
Kokinov commented that the signal was received for the record disclosed in the media, which makes it clear that Lubomir Pavlov threatened the Deputy Chief Prosecutor Boyko Naydenov with his publications in their media. "That day we received a signal from Mr. Pavlov for the circulation of the record. Yesterday, a signal from Mr. Toshev was also submitted in the registry office. Within one inspection, we will examine the authenticity of the recording. We have not demanded any SIM (special investigative means) with respect to Mr. Pavlov. Obviously, the case is about some private eavesdropping," said also Nikolay Kokinov. "At least we can determine whether the record was manipulated. Obviously, this recording is private, because, I repeat, we have not ordered it, " explained the Prosecutor.
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