08/18/11 16:43
Cetin Kazak, MP from MRF: We have the needed strength and confidence to participate in the presidential elections

- A trend of not allowing MRF representatives in the leadership of municipal election commissions has emerged as a whole. Although talks have been held between the main political forces, the leadership of election commissions is distributed in some places among representatives of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria), BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) and the Ataka party. This distinct trend and this behaviour cannot but provoke our indignation because MRF is the third most supported political force nationwide and traditionally has a strong presence in the local government.
- MRF said it would ask for the presence of observers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) at the elections and for their permanent monitoring on the acts of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and the municipal election commissions. Would you summarise the reasons for such a request? Did you already send it?
- I just mentioned one of our reasons, but, of course, there are many others as well. We are worried by the unceremonious behaviour of the ruling party representatives who deprive us of the positions in the leadership teams of the municipal election commissions which we are entitled to. We have good reasons to expect that pressure will be exerted on voters by means of all tools of power and especially by its force structures. The very appointment of Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov to head GERB’s election headquarters gave a sign in this respect.
In fact, our appeal to the OSCE for sending observers to the upcoming local and presidential elections in Bulgaria was addressed a month and a half ago. At that time, OSCE representatives were on a visit to Bulgaria and held meetings with representatives of all parliamentary forces. We asked them to send as many observers as possible to monitor the work of both the CEC and the municipal commissions.
We hope that representatives will be sent not only by the OSCE, but also by all our partner organisations and institutions that are somehow interested in monitoring elections: the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and a number of prominent NGOs.
- It is clear that only the central election headquarters may take decisions for entering in coalitions. But are there political forces which MRF would not cooperate with under any circumstances?
- I can positively say that we would not cooperate with the Ataka party. We have repeatedly stated that for us, this formation is outside the democratic political spectrum. MRF is a democratic political force, professing the principles of liberalism, real democracy and observance of human rights and we cannot venture any form of cooperation with a party like Ataka.
Unfortunately, since the first days of GERB’s coming into power, we have been witnessing a consistent and unswerving position of cooperation with Ataka, both at the central and the local level. There is no way for our relationships with GERB not to be determined to a large extent by their cooperation with Ataka. Nevertheless, the ultimate decisions will be made when the picture and the political situation for both the local and the presidential elections are fully clarified.
- What is the likelihood that MRF would have its own nominations for the presidential elections? Two days ago, it was announced that the movement could not be a reserve political player and that it might be of high importance for the final result of the elections?
- This is quite possible! We registered our party for participation in the presidential elections. Our final decision on whether to nominate a presidential couple will depend largely on the political situation, which will emerge when the major political parties announce their candidates, or on the political configuration at the actual start of the campaign. It is important for us that the next President of Bulgaria be able to act as "unifier of the nation", to be a person who will sincerely fight for the European integration of the country, and will be tolerant towards ethnic minorities, safeguarding the stability and integrity of the Bulgarian civil society. He should not be dependent on political forces that lie far away from these principles and values.
- And if the MRF does not nominate a presidential couple, will the movement give its support for any of the other candidates before the vote, or it will do so before a possible runoff?
- Once again, our particular political position and behaviour will be determined when the other participants in the elections declare their positions and the support on which they count. MRF is the third political force in Bulgarian political life. It is a real and important political player and not the result of sociological constructions. Thus, we are confident enough to participate in the presidential elections both alone - with our nominations or by supporting another candidacy, if it meets our requirements and expectations.
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Публикувана на 08/18/11 16:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178248_Cetin+Kazak%2C+MP+from+MRF%3A+We+have+the+needed+strength+and+confidence+to+participate+in+the+presidential+elections
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