08/21/11 19:10
Fandakova: Key tenders should not be held prior the elections

Candidate for Sofia mayor Proshko Proshkov in turn said there was no transparency in the implementation of public procurement orders. He also commented that the establishment of e-municipality should be a priority, but criticised the way it was being implemented by Sofia’s incumbent local government. He said that no criteria had been set for saving people's time and nerves in providing specific services.
Fandakova replied that the strategy for establishing the e-municipality had been drafted back in 2009, adding that a public tender had been launched and 13 companies had submitted bids so far. It was published on the websites of the Sofia Municipality and the Public Procurement Agency. Mayor Fandakova denied the media reports that she could be a candidate for President of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria).
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Публикувана на 08/21/11 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178431_Fandakova%3A+Key+tenders+should+not+be+held+prior+the+elections
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