01/08/12 18:03

Academician Georgi Markov, historian: Politicians should not rely endlessly on the patience of Bulgarian people

- Academician Markov, since the Christmas holidays, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has been the focus of public attention. Who needs the scandals involving high-ranking clergy and the Holy Synod?
- We addressed an official appeal in defence of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. My motive is that, in pursuit of definite political objectives,  this will encroach upon the independence of the Holy Church as an institution. Canon Law has been the rule for centuries and it is not subject to any political influence. At present, the secular government is trying to crush the senior clergy and overpower it. Let the Bulgarian Orthodox Church act as an autonomous institution, apart from the Bulgarian state.

- Many perceive the current battle for taking over the Patriarchal throne as the cause of the recent scandals...
- Currently, there is an ongoing fight for the legacy of Patriarch Maxim. Three lobbies - a Russian, a Greek and a Western one. My opinion, so far, is this - the Metropolitan Bishop of the Eparchy of Varna, Kiril is influenced by the Russian lobby, while the Metropolitan Bishop of the Eparchy of Nevrokop, Natanail, is heading the Greek lobby. Besides, the Western lobby insists on a union with the Catholic Church. There are at least two or three names from the senior clergy and an ongoing struggle thereby. There is also a resistance to the Russian influence, which is, traditionally, extremely powerful in Bulgaria based on the Christian Orthodox religion.

- Is it just for the former clergy collaborators of the Communist National Security Service (NSS known as DS) to remain undisclosed, while being immune because of their positions?
- Half of the secret files have been destroyed - including those that had to be erased. The Chief Prosecutor, Boris Velchev also stated: "Well, although we have half of the files at our disposal, we still have half the truth." As a historian, I can tell you that truth does not come piecemeal. The secret files of the most loyal NSS collaborators were destroyed, while those of the rest are of agents of no particular importance. The secret files have been subject to fraudulent manipulation. All former agents were placed under the common denominator of being informers.

- Is it not logical for the Bulgarian people to demand greater transparency with respect to the actual finances of the Bulgarian Church?
- This is true. The Church complained that some of its real estates were not reappropriated but, probably. it already has enough property. There should be monitoring of the Church, same as the one applied to all other owners. The Holy Church has a spiritual mission, but if it provides for the homeless and establishes drug treatment centres, as well as charities, then the state could be more lenient in terms of taxes. I agree that the Church - as should every other institution - be subject to financial control.

- Do you not think that we are witnessing an attempt to reconsider the role of the Holy Church in public life?

- Our society expects the Church to implement a radical reform but the Church is too a reclusive an institution. It has its own problems, but it must serve the public.

- What does the Bulgarian Orthodox Church need now - to protect its independence or implement reforms?
- It needs both independence and reforms. The latter should not be imposed externally. These must start from within. The Church is a conservative institution. That is why it has survived over the centuries and even during the Ottoman rule in Bulgaria. But it must be reformed, it needs to get closer to the congregation and become more comprehensible.

- What are the prospects for Bulgaria in 2012 and after?

- We depend on the European Union (EU), in terms of economics, and we will bear its burden, but we should not tighten our belts any more. Finance Minister Simeon Djankov should know that there is a limit. Unlike other countries, we have already tightened our belts. I hope there will be no social unrest. Bulgarians’ weak point is that, unlike the Greeks, we stage protests separately, branch-wise. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences staged protests and Universities did not even support us, then grain producers protested, followed by railwaymen, all of them separately. If things continue in this way, the result might be a union of national discontent. This is my concern. Patience is a characteristic feature of our people’s psychology. Patience is a good thing, but sometimes it is bad. Politicians should not rely on the patience of the Bulgarian people.

Unfortunately, during those 134 years after its liberation from the Ottoman Empire and the resurrection of the Bulgarian State, Bulgaria suffered from a satellite syndrome. We have always had a ‘big brother’. I hope I’ll be a bad prophet, but that ‘big brother’ has never had good fortune -Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union, Kaiser’s Germany or Nazi Germany. We are in the EU now, but we still have a ‘big brother” - the United States. We should not rely on one great power alone. At least, this is what our bitter experience teaches us. We have always put our bets on one great power and we have lost all wars with that great power. Now, we worship the United States. Although it is a great power, historically speaking, the United States already has its problems because other centres of civilisation appear. We must be aware of this satellite syndrome because it annoys EU countries.

- Do you share the pessimistic forecasts for the future of the EU?

- The EU cannot become a federal state, e.g. the United States of Europe, with a common army and common finances. This is the difference. The American nation is a congregation of various races and nations, while we, in Europe, are nations with an ancient history and national identity which is quite difficult to overcome. The financial system of capitalism is in a crisis and this is dangerous. Right-wing parties, even extreme right-wing parties, will benefit from this crisis. The influence of extreme right-wing parties will increase, there will be large-scale unemployment. Every government will try to safeguard itself, but the EU will still exist. This year, at least.

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