08/22/11 20:03
The University of National and World Economy to launch 17 new master’s degree programmes

She said that subjects such as Empirical Social and Marketing Research, Business Informatics, IT and Business Analysis, Economic Policy, Management of Real Estate, Economic Sociology and others were among the new master’s degree programmes at the university.
The European Business and Finance degree programme will be conducted together with the Nottingham University in Britain. The list of new educational subjects includes also Media and Politics, Production Management and Cultural Industries, Leadership and Organizational Diagnosis, Social Entrepreneurship, European Social Policy and Social Work. The master’s degree programmes at the university now number about 70.
Pavlova commented further that there would be no increase in the fees for the master’s degree programmes for this academic year and these would be in the range of BGN 700 to BGN 900, depending on the subjects. “We maintained the fees unchanged, because both the economic and demographic situations are not very favourable," she explained.
Regarding this year’s admission of bachelors, the Rector announced that even after the first admission round all places in the university, which were around 3 540, had been occupied. "We have just single places in the regional centre for distance training. They remained open after a few students officially requested their documents back. But 180 people have submitted their diplomas at the university and are among the reserves, waiting to be admitted," she said. Students show the greatest interest in degree programmes in English language in the field of economics, which include Economy, International Economic Relations, Finance and Accounting, Business Informatics. There is also great interest in subjects such as Business Administration, Public Administration and others.
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Публикувана на 08/22/11 20:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178549_The+University+of+National+and+World+Economy+to+launch+17+new+master%E2%80%99s+degree+programmes+
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