08/28/11 18:38
The mechanism for setting the minimum wage to be clear by September 15
“Obviously, after remunerations had been frozen for three years and with the inflation rate exceeding 10%, we could not but have arguments for demanding an adjustment of incomes,” Plamen Dimitrov, leader of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), explained. He reminded that since March, 2011, the Podkrepa Labour Confederation and CITUB had placed common demands for at least 10% increase of remunerations, a minimum monthly wage of 290 BGN, and setting of a tax-free minimum equal to the minimum wage or close to it.
“We have invited Dr. Konstantin Trenchev on September 9, as well as branch chambers, to discuss the possibility of nearing our positions concerning our demands,” said Dimitrov, adding that “exports alone can not pull Bulgaria out of the recession”.
Vice President of Podkrepa Dimitar Manolov, on his part, commented that Finance Minister Simeon Djankov would probably point to cutting expenditures as a way out. According to the syndicate leader, such an approach can work for some time, but increased demand can be the solution afterwards.
Social Minister Mladenov said in front of the trade unionists that one of the best ways to recover from the crisis would be if the Government, the syndicates and businesses had common positions. He added that he would call a meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation as early as next month.
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Публикувана на 08/28/11 18:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179084_The+mechanism+for+setting+the+minimum+wage+to+be+clear+by+September+15
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