Alone With The Wind

FSB September Symphony CONCERT
First step 1. September. 2011
Plovdiv, Tzar Ivailo Str.
FSB - Roumen Boyadjiev, Konstantin Cekov, Ivan Lechev - those three man are real legends in Bulgarian rock music. FSB have new album and upcoming shows in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna
FSB - The Symbol of Rock.
FSB is the largest, successful and creative Bulgarian progressive rock group that contributes to the popularity of this form and style of popular music.Progressive rock (often shortened to prog or prog rock) is a form of rock music that evolved in the late 1960s and early 1970s as part of a "mostly British attempt to elevate rock music to new levels of artistic credibility." The term "art rock" is often used interchangeably with "progressive rock", but while there are crossovers between the two genres, they are not identical.

The original progressive rock style og FSB songs either avoid common popular music song structures of verse-chorus-bridge, or blur the formal distinctions by extending sections or inserting musical interludes, often with exaggerated dynamics to heighten contrast between sections. Classical forms of his famous songs are often inserted or substituted, sometimes yielding entire suites, building on the traditional medleys of earlier rock bands on national Bulgarian folklore.
FSB rock songs also often have extended instrumental passages, marrying the classical solo tradition with the improvisational traditions of jazz and psychedelic rock. All of these tend to add length to progressive rock songs, which may last longer than twenty minutes.
35 years after the formation of FSB, Rumen Boyadjiev, Konstantin Tsekov and Ivan Lechev, once again as a trio, are back their brand new album FSB.15 new compositions, a quintessential blend of wisdom, talent and love of music that has always been FSB’s genuine trademark.
- Catch
- Take Nothing
- Away
- Like Before
- Confession
- Lines
- Two
- Have No
- You're Not From Here
- Religion
- Sunny
- At The Bottom
- Probably
- And We Weren't There
- Alone With The Wind (piano solo)
- Alone With The Wind
FSB have19 albums, over 3000 concerts, hundreds of gigs at European disco and rock clubs, numerous participations at world rock festivals, dozens of TV music shows and videos…
These are few facts about the career of Bulgaria’s iconic rock band FSB, formed in 1975, which soon became a symbol of Bulgarian rock music.

FSB's recordings have tended to alternate between commercially accessible rock albums and somber folk-oriented works. Much of their status stems from the concerts and marathon shows in which they perform intense ballads, rousing anthems, and party rock and roll songs, amongst which he intersperses whimsical or deeply emotional stories. FSB is known for bringing on electrifying live performances.
From the beginning, as a rock trio, Rumen Boyadzhiev (keyboards/vocals), Konstantin Cekov (keyboards/vocals) and Alexander Baharov (bass/vocals), managed to stir the preconceived notion of both the audience and the critics about the potential of progressive rock and its influence on mass audience, to justify its value for popular culture and to succeed in incorporating authentic Bulgarian folklore music into the seemingly foreign progressive rock idiom.
Way back in the day this all seemed unimaginable.
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