09/13/11 19:07
BIA demands higher penalties for non-payment of health insurance contributions

Some 79% of the respondents noted that the State should provide medical care for persons who have proven that they do not receive an income in order to pay insurance contributions. Over half of the respondents stated that it is necessary to draw out a public register of uninsured persons, read the statement of BIA.
It is a well-known fact that more than half a million Bulgarians do not remit any health insurance contributions. They are being treated at the expense of those who pay their contributions, reminded the survey. “This fact and the long-term commitment on the part of BIA - health-insurance - wise, were the reasons for this survey. It was based on the question of "How should individuals who do not pay health insurance contributions be punished?" explained experts from BIA.
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Публикувана на 09/13/11 19:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/180679_BIA+demands+higher+penalties+for+non-payment+of+health+insurance+contributions
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