09/25/11 18:26
Bulgaria to start delivering natural gas from Azerbaijan in 2013

The options for natural gas supply are two - through the gas transmission systems of our southern neighbour countries, or via compressed gas stations from Georgia to Bulgarian ports. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is working currently on the option for ground deliveries, since Azerbaijani natural gas could enter the country through Greece and Turkey. The Bulgartransgaz operator is developing the project for construction of compressed gas stations in the Georgia’s Kulevi port and the port of Varna, where the fuel will be delivered by ships across the Black Sea.
“The BEH and the Greek DEPA have promised to build the gas connection Stara Zagora - Komotini by the end of 2013 - one year earlier than planned. So, our country will be able to benefit from the agreed 1 billion cubic meters of gas annually from Azerbaijan,” explained Traikov. He added that these quantities would be delivered outside the Treaties on the European Nabucco gas pipeline. By the end of October, Ankara and Baku are expected to agree on the transit of natural gas.
“The supplies from alternative sources are important for Southeast Europe for the creation of competition, leading to lower consumer prices,” said Traikov. He invited the Azerbaijani Sokar oil company to invest in construction and rehabilitation of gas storages and gas supply networks in the country. In Georgia, Traykov proposed our country to assist Tbilisi in connecting the Georgian electricity system to the European energy network ENTSO-E.
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Публикувана на 09/25/11 18:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181690_Bulgaria+to+start+delivering+natural+gas+from+Azerbaijan+in+2013+
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