07/20/11 18:02
Bulgargaz will be able to deal with Russian gas

The proposed contract by Russian Gazprom Export contains no clause prohibiting trade with Russian natural gas. Bulgargaz will be authorised to deal freely with imported Russian natural gas after signing the new contract with the supplier, said to Klassa daily the company's CEO Dimitar Gogov. In fact, our country will even be able to re-export natural gas to third countries, as requested by the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov. Some time ago, he explained that Bulgaria will insist on a similar clause in the new contracts for natural gas supplies.
"Re-export is a concept that should not exist in the EU because we are talking about one community," explained Gogov. The Bulgarian government demands that our supplies be provided by Gazprom Export as a Gazprom subsidiary, while the contracts with Overgas Inc SA and Wintershall should be terminated.
According to Gogov, the freedom to trade with imported gas could prove inefficient cost-wise. He explained that if there is a surplus of natural gas on the market, the fuel can be sold cheaper than the purchase price. The positive effect for Bulgargaz from possible sales is the prospect of expanding its portfolio of commercial operations, commented also Gogov. He added that, currently, Bulgargaz is discussing Russia's proposal for a new contract. The recent take-or-pay clause will remain valid.
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Публикувана на 07/20/11 18:02 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/175788_Bulgargaz+will+be+able+to+deal+with+Russian+gas
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