10/02/11 19:06
A total of BGN 1.9 bln invested in regional development

The Minister of Construction and Public Works announced that at the forthcoming negotiations for the financing of the Hemus highway, the European transport corridor in which the highway will be included, should be considered. "We were promised that, in June 2012, the Trakia highway will be opened for traffic in the section to the junction at the town of Karnobat," said Pavlova.
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Minister Pavlova launched the construction works on Lot 1 of the Struma highway on Saturday. The section should connect the village of Dolna Dikanya and the town of Dupnitsa and is 17 km long. “This is one of the most environmentally friendly and complex projects in Bulgaria,” Borissov said. Liliana Pavlova explained that the cost of the project is BGN 58.534 mln, which would be granted under Operational Programme Transport. The Consortium Struma – 1 is in charge of the construction in which the Italian Impressa company is a leading partner and the Bulgarian Glavbolgarstroy and Patstroy 92 are subcontractors.
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works plans on November 15 to launch the construction of Lot 4 of Struma Highway, in the section from the town of Sandanski to the Kulata border crossing point. It is 15 km long and the estimated cost of Lot 1, 2 and 4 of the highway is BGN 649.163 mln. By the end of next summer, the section of the Struma highway between the villages of Dragichevo and Dolna Dikanya will be categorised as a highway.
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Публикувана на 10/02/11 19:06 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182390_A+total+of+BGN+1.9+bln+invested+in+regional+development+
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