10/17/11 19:31
Businesses strongly oppose the pension reform

There, Social Minister Totyu Mladenov proposed that employers should not to be able to dismiss employees on the ground that they had reached retirement age, if these were willing to continue working. The measure will apply to the private sector alone. “Experienced people should continue working. Both sides can benefit from that.”
“We, however, are against the introduction of this restriction, which will reduce the flexibility of employers, especially at times of a crisis,” said for Klassa Vasil Velev, President of the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria. In fact, there are other problems. Older people very often are better qualified and more skilful than the young ones. But workers over 40 years of age prevail in the industry and in the processing branches. Unsurprisingly, the unemployment rate is higher among younger people, because they do not have the qualifications needed,” stated Velev.
“This is an intervention of the Government on the labour market,” said Chairman of the Bulgarian Industrial Association Bojidar Danev. The closure of over 360 000 jobs is the main problem on the Bulgarian labour market at present. Youth employment is another big problem – the universities are training large number of specialist who have followed only academic programmes. The specialists that can work in the business sector emigrate,” Danev said.
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Публикувана на 10/17/11 19:31 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/183931_Businesses+strongly+oppose+the+pension+reform
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