03/13/12 19:14
CITUB and Podkrepa oppose the amendments to the Civil Servants Act

“We are also against the amendments to the Civil Servants Act,” Evtim Boyukliev, Chairman of the Administrative Employees syndicate with the Podkrepa Labour Confederation, told Klassa.
“The draft amendments, announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Simeon Djankov, are an attempt on his part to deprive civil servants of their rights,” said Plamen Dimitrov. As an example he pointed out the projected elimination of additional remuneration for the length of service. “The way in which the salary of civil servants is formed will result in a decrease of the base remuneration,” Dimitrov was adamant. “Rights and benefits of state employees are being deliberately revoked,” he added.
CITUB does not hope that the act, which was already passed at first reading, will not be adopted. The syndicates, however, want their opinion to be heard because the amendments to the Civil Servants Act were not discussed in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation.
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Публикувана на 03/13/12 19:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/198222_CITUB+and+Podkrepa+oppose+the+amendments+to+the+Civil+Servants+Act
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