12/28/11 19:59
Boyko Borissov: The pension reform had to be launched back in 2010

“For years on end, Bulgarian money has been given as a gift to foreigners, fashionably called ‘investors’. A huge amount of Bulgaria’s GDP was given as a present, hundreds of millions went in an unknown direction, just like this,” added PM Borissov. He expressed again his outrage at the large-scale energy projects he received as legacy and said their inefficiency was inherent in the form in which they were signed.
PM Borissov commented on the election of Rosen Plevneliev as Bulgaria’s new Head of State, stating that he is a person going deeply into the essence of problems and renouncing the need for the president to be a self-assertive personality. The Prime Minister expressed his confidence that Rosen Plevneliev will cope with the post.
PM Borissov was asked to answer the famous questionnaire of the French writer Marcel Proust, containing 30 questions which politicians, ministers and cardinals reply to, thus revealing their tastes and aspirations. In answering these questions PM Borissov said that his main quality is seriousness and goodness is what he does not like about himself.
“I am afraid of the crisis. Will populism have the upper hand over common sense? I earnestly hope that common sense will win in our society,” said the Prime Minister.
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Публикувана на 12/28/11 19:59 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191041_Boyko+Borissov%3A+The+pension+reform+had+to+be+launched+back+in+2010
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