11/06/11 17:29
Luxury car market to recover in 2012

The experts from the Porsche BG company, importer of the Audi brand in Bulgaria, expect that the market will maintain its stability and the syndrome of delayed consumption will be overcome despite the gloomy outlooks for the economic growth. The luxury segment grows approximately proportionally to the common market, experts pointed out.
The tendency for buying of cars under leasing, however, has returned, especially when it comes down to the high price segment. According to the importers of Audi, the leasing companies have regained customers’ confidence and their flexibility has made the purchase of cars more convenient for the customers. The percentage of leasing transactions increased this year, compared to 2010, and stands now at about 70%, reported the company. Last year, the transactions paid in cash prevailed.
Moreover, the data shows that the seized lease cars have already been sold. In the last 2-3 years, they overflew the parking places of importers. Therefore, in the first months of the year, the companies in the sector offered deals and discounts for second hand cars in large numbers.
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Публикувана на 11/06/11 17:29 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/185976_Luxury+car+market+to+recover+in+2012++
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