09/28/11 18:00
Sofia's second subway line to be launched into operation in 2012

The second metro diameter covering the stations: ''Road junction Nadezhda - Central Railway Station - St. Nedelya Church – National Palace of Culture - Cherni Vrah Blvd." will be launched into operation in August next year, announced Transport Minister, Ivaylo Moskovski during his visit to the metro station at Sofia's Central Department Store (TZUM). The Deputy Transport Minister, Kamen Kichev and CEO of Sofia Metropolitan PLC, Stoyan Bratoev, showed to the Prime Minister of Korea, Kim Hwang-Sik the newly constructed metro station at TZUM. It is located under the opened archaeological level where remains of ancient buildings and mosaics from the 4th century were discovered in the centre of the ancient town of Serdica. The excavations have continued for 13 months under the guidance of the team from the Archaeological Institute with the Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). It was scheduled for these to be exhibited in an ancient complex covering a total area of 19 sq. m. In order for the historical heritage to be preserved, the project was revised and the subway station at Sofia's Central Department Store was built via a special construction method in order to be positioned below the level of the ancient complex.
This station is a part of the subway expansion of Sofia. It is envisaged for the traffic along Maria Luisa Blvd. to be restored in 2012. A total of 250 mln Euro for the construction of the second metro diameter were granted under Operational Programme Transport.
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Публикувана на 09/28/11 18:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182049_Sofia%27s+second+subway+line+to+be+launched+into+operation+in+2012
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