11/23/11 17:55
The Bulgarian state to issue individual postage stamps

Bulgarian Posts PLC will be authorised to print more copies of postage stamps already in circulation with a variable number of printed copies with personalised vignettes attached to these after placing an order and at the expense of individual clients including both physical and legal entities, announced the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. It is envisaged for the vignette to be a separately perforated supplement to the postage stamp. The additional part to the postmark will have no nominal value. It may contain images or text, previously ordered by the customer. This will enable the state operator to diversify the public services it offers. Thus, it will meet the needs of users to send letters with personalised postage stamp. This became possible after the review of the proposal of the Ministry on the supplement and amendment to the Ordinance on the Terms and Conditions and Procedures for Printing, Releasing and Going Out of Use of Postage Stamps, Postal Products and Special Postage Stamps. At the moment, the printing of stamps is state-monitored. Therefore, each year the National Council on Stamp Printing selects important events and themes, which can be depicted on the stamps.
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Публикувана на 11/23/11 17:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/187723_The+Bulgarian+state+to+issue+individual+postage+stamps
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