12/11/11 20:00
President Parvanov imposes veto on the Public Social Insurance Act

The legal regulation, which repeals the indexation of pensions and ignores the so-called Golden Swiss rule, is inappropriate, indicated Parvanov. According to him, the 6-month extension of the period for calculation of the benefits for temporary incapacity for work, maternity and unemployment will lead to a reduction in the compensatory payments. The increase in the pensionable age fails to take adequately into account the demographic processes in our country, the health status and life expectancy of the population, as well as the level of incomes and insurance payments, state the motives of the President. He agrees with the expert assessment that the changes in the retirement age do not guarantee the expected financial result and fail to comply with the labour market tendencies.
Georgi Parvanov stresses that the new law was adopted in breach of the established legal procedure. This creates prerequisites for contesting it as unconstitutional act. "I understand that the 2012 Public Social Insurance Budget will be implemented in terms of the global financial and economic crisis. Therefore, I have repeatedly appealed for the adoption of large-scale anti-crisis measures to curb the severe consequences of the crisis. I think that the social cost for overcoming the difficult stuation should be shared jointly by all social groups," stated the Head of State.
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