12/19/11 17:02
Offences in restaurants to be criminalised?

“In the case of such offences in Spanish restaurants, these are deprived of the right to represent the guild because this will damage its reputation. Some time ago, a minister told me there was no political will to solve these problems. Now, the situation has obviously changed and there is political will to change things,” Blagoy Ragin, Chairman of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, explained in turn. The sector is among the most troubled in the country.
The Food Safety Agency is renewing the registration of catering establishments. “Due to various violations, we refused to renew the registration of 16,000 establishments and re-registered another 30,000. Our inspections henceforth will focus on the required qualification of the kitchen staff. Only kitchen hygienists are not required to have any professional training,” explained Yordan Voinov.
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Публикувана на 12/19/11 17:02 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/190251_Offences+in+restaurants+to+be+criminalised%3F
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