01/03/12 19:06
Eurokatalog: Bulgaria, Germany and Andorra - the most attractive ski destinations

The Bulgarian Bansko ski resort tops the list of the most affordable ski destinations in Europe (with just £108 per day). The Italian Mount Etna (£117.73) ranks second, and the German Berchtesgaden (£150.31) - third. Andorra and Germany have occupied 3 places each in the ranking of the most economical ski resorts in Europe.
“At the same time, the Izvora hunting farm, in the region of Devin reported a 30% increase in the number of hunters and in revenues for 2011,” stated the Farm Director, Stoyan Sariyski, quoted by the Focus news agency. There is a significant growth in the number of foreigners who want to hunt in the Rhodopes Mountains. Most numerous are the German hunters, followed by those from England, France and Spain. In the new 2012, the farm plans to deliver more animals, including deer and fallow deer.
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Публикувана на 01/03/12 19:06 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191389_Eurokatalog%3A+Bulgaria%2C+Germany+and+Andorra+-+the+most+attractive+ski+destinations
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