03/21/11 18:19
Boyko Borissov is the most approved of politician

In the period March 4 - 11, Boyko Borissov was the most supported leader of a public institution, the most popular politician and he enjoyed the approval of the largest number of Bulgarians who believe that he will be a good President, showed data from the nationally representative survey by the National Center for Public Opinion Surveys (NCPOS), released yesterday. Some 56% of adult Bulgarians approved of the activity of the leader of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) and some 44.7% are of the opinion that he will be a successful Head of State. Despite the fact that over the last three months, the Prime Minister lost 2.8% of public support, he remained the only leader of an institution whose positive assessments prevailed with a ratio of 56.3% to 34.3 %. The support for President Parvanov in the period December to March decreased by 3,7%, reaching 40.9% and approval for Chairwoman of Parliament Tsetska Tsacheva remained 32.1% for a third consecutive month.
In the last three months, the Cabinet lost 4% in terms of public support. Public support for the Government decreased by 10%, compared to March 2010,
“The general conclusion is that the support of Bulgarians for the current Parliament and the Cabinet in office, one year and eight months after the start of their mandate, is higher than the one enjoyed by the previous two Parliaments and two Governments,” said Lidia Yordanova, Director of NPOC.
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Публикувана на 03/21/11 18:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162936_Boyko+Borissov+is+the+most+approved+of+politician+
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