12/01/11 19:43
Anti-Corruption NGO Transparency International: Bulgaria is the most corrupt EU member-state

Bulgaria is the most corrupt country in the entire European Union, according to the survey of the Anti-Corruption NGOTransparency International, presented yesterday. This year, our country managed to outrank even Greece which topped the ranking in 2010
The survey included a total of 183 countries worldwide, while the corruption index was calculated on the basis of 17 surveys provided to the organisation by 13 independent institutions.
Transparency International applies a 0-10 assessment scale where the 0 grade means "very corrupt" and the 10th mark indicates "low-level corruption".
Bulgaria occupies the 86th place among other countries in the world, while its index is 3.3 points. This is the worst result of our country over the past 12 years, according to the organisation's data.
The lowest corruption level in our country was registered in 2004 and 2007 when the index was 4.1, but the situation was worst in 1998 when the index reached 2.9 points.
In 2010, Bulgaria ranked 73rd among 178 countries in terms of the corruption level index. This year, our country is ranked 86th, which aligns it with Serbia and places it behind all other neighbours. Turkey occupies the 61st position in the world, while Macedonia ranked 69th, Romania - 75th and Greece holds the 80th place.
On the chart, Bulgaria is ranked immediately after Thailand, while Jamaica, Panama and Sri Lanka have the same result as ours.
"Eurozone member-states suffering from the debt crisis are among the worst performing EU countries, partly because of the inability of authorities to tackle bribery and tax evasion, which are the key reasons for the debt crisis," indicated the organisation. Special emphasis is placed on the low-level position of Italy which ranked 69th.
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